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<h1>isopod.cool changelog</h1>
<li>Deprecated this changelog in favor of an rss-bridge feed of git commits to the website, because it's easier and I'm lazy</li>
<li>Added my Matrix account to the links page</li>
<li>Added <a target="_blank" href="https://vincentsdungeon.com/links.html">Vincent's Dungeon/links</a> to the links page</li>
<li>New <a target="_blank" href="../blog/posts/guide_things_i_keep_having_to_google">blog post</a>!
<ul><li>This one's more of a reference than an article, so it will likely be updated as time goes on.</li></ul>
<li>Added flatworm friday</li>
<li>Renamed the site from "niceopod" to just "isopod.cool"</li>
<li>widened everything slightly to accommodate the longer title</li>
<li>Added <a target="_blank" href="quotes/">/etc/quotes/</a></li>
<li>Renamed /more/ to /etc/</li>
<li>Created an <a target="_blank" href="../stuff/firefoxrss/feed.php">RSS bridge</a> for Firefox release notes</li>
<li>Also I rearranged <a target="_blank" href="../stuff/">/stuff/</a> a bit and created an RSS filter script there. I guess I forgot to mention that</li>
<li>Added <a target="_blank" href="https://wearemagonia.bandcamp.com/album/triangle-unicode-lp">We Are Magonia - Triangle Unicode</a> to the music page</li>
<li>Added <a target="_blank" href="https://hypem.com/merch-table">Hype Machine Merch Table</a> to the links page</li>
<li>Added <a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted">Awesome Selfhosted</a> to the links page</li>
<li>Added an RSS feed for the <a target="_blank" href="../guestbook">guestbook</a></li>
<li>Added <a target="_blank" href="https://jort.link/">jort.link</a> to the links page</li>
<li>Added a list of services I host to <a target="_blank" href="../stuff">/stuff</a></li>
<li>Added <a target="_blank" href="https://trilobites.info/">trilobites.info</a>, <a target="_blank" href="https://based.cooking/">based.cooking</a>, <a target="_blank" href="https://landchad.net/">LandChad.net</a>, and <a target="_blank" href="https://invidious.io/">Invidious</a> to the links page</li>
<li>Organized the links page somewhat</li>
<li>Added <a target="_blank" href="https://alula.github.io/SpaceCadetPinball">Space Cadet Pinball</a> to the links page</li>
<li>Added a bunch of cool automated Halloween stuff</li>
<li>Added <a target="_blank" href="https://www.darkpattern.games/">Dark Pattern Games</a> to the links page</li>
<li>Added bot protection to the guestbook</li>
<li>Added a server-side rendered navbar to all the pages</li>
<li>Added some buttons</li>
<li>Added <a target="_blank" href="https://heavenpierceher.bandcamp.com/album/ultrakill-imperfect-hatred">Heaven Pierce Her - ULTRAKILL: Imperfect Hatred</a> to the music page</li>
<li>Updated the layout on said music page to have two items per row instead of one</li>
<li>New <a target="_blank" href="../blog/posts/deeptwistycom_2nd_anniversary_-_a_history_of_this_bullshit/">blog post</a>!</li>
<li>Added <a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/viraptor/reverse-interview">Reverse Interview</a> to the links page</li>
<li>Added <a target="_blank" href="https://newretrowave.bandcamp.com/album/synthicate">LAZERPUNK - Synthicate</a> to the music page</li>
<li>Removed the Cbox widget from most pages, as it was really only intended as an interim replacement for my old freegb guestbook anyway</li>
<li>Added a <a target="_blank" href="../guestbook/">guestbook</a>!</li>
<li>New <a target="_blank" href="../blog/posts/guide_self_host_safely_with_wireguard/">blog post</a>! It's a guide on configuring WireGuard to do port forwarding through a VPN.</li>
<li>Changed the background of the links page</li>
<li>All me.deeptwisty.com URLs now return a 301 redirect to the corresponding location on isopod.cool</li>
<li>Made elements with hover-text display a special cursor when hovered over, so you know to wait for it to appear.</li>
<li>Added a webgarden and a <a target="_blank" href="greenhouse/">greenhouse page</a>!</li>
<li>Updated the <a target="_blank" href="../about/uses/">uses</a> page to include the VPS this site is hosted on.</li>
<li>Updated some configurations server-side to reduce bandwidth consumption</li>
<li>Added <a target="_blank" href="../images/plant1-2.png">this thing</a> from <a target="_blank" href="https://lu.tiny-universes.net/webgarden/adopt.html">here</a>!</li>
<li>Added <a target="_blank" href="https://newlambda.neocities.org/stuff/adopt.html">benlet</a>.</li>
<li>Added a couple buttons</li>
<li>Moved the status.cafe widget on my blog page server-side</li>
<li>Added a couple buttons to the links page, also removed my Twitter and Neocities.</li>
<li>Rewrote the random caption function on the landing page in PHP</li>
<li>Moved the site to a VPS and moved domains from me.deeptwisty.com to isopod.cool (me.deeptwisty.com still works though)</li>
<li>Added <a target="_blank" href="https://jsrn.net/howoldisit/">How old is it?</a> to the links page</li>
<li>Added <a target="_blank" href="https://8mb.video/">8mbvideo</a> to the links page</li>
<li>Moved /about/software to <a target="_blank" href="../about/uses/">/about/uses</a> and added info about my hardware setup to it</li>
<li>Added a button</li>
<li>Added <a target="_blank" href="https://12ft.io/">12ft.io</a> to the links page</li>
<li>Added <a target="_blank" href="../images/isopod3.png">this little guy</a> from <a target="_blank" href="https://dokodemo.neocities.org/adopt.html">here</a>!</li>
<li>Added some buttons</li>
<li>Added a <a target="_parent" href="../about/software/">page</a> for programs I use!</li>
<li>Added <a target="_blank" href="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/bjbN2RyZXHI">Matt Gray - The Last Ninja 2 (C64) OST</a> to the music page.</li>
<li>Re-formatted the changelog to be a valid HTML Journal, you know, in case you want to <a target="_blank" href="https://journal.miso.town/atom?url=https://isopod.cool/etc/changelog.php">subscribe</a> to it. For some reason.</li>
<li>Updated every page to have &lt;html lang="en"&gt; instead of &lt;html&gt; or &lt;html lang=""&gt;</li>
<li>The changelog is now its own page for easier portability between revisions, embedded here in an iframe.</li>
<li>...as is the to-do list.</li>
<li>Added an <a target="_blank" href="https://journal.miso.town/">HTML Journal</a> to the blog page for shorter entries that I don't feel warrant an entire page.</li>
<li>Updated the blog post list to be compliant with m15o's <a target="_blank" href="https://blog.miso.town/">HTML Blog</a> spec, mostly to automate feed generation.</li>
<li>The old RSS feed for the blog is now deprecated and will no longer be updated.</li>
<li>Added <a target="_blank" href="buttons/getvlcnow.png">VLC button</a> to this page</li>
<li>Added a to-do list for the site to this page</li>
<li>Added <a target="_blank" href="https://www.inaturalist.org/">iNaturalist</a> to the links page</li>
<li>Added a little popup to the homepage and /stuff that bugs you to switch to firefox if you're not using it. Please for the love of GOD use firefox.</li>
<li>Added a new <a target="_blank" href="buttons/niceopod_button_2.png">button</a> for my site!</li>
<li>Renamed /misc to /more</li>
<li>Added <a target="_blank" href="https://imgflip-is-dead.crabdance.com/">Imgflip is DEAD</a> to the links page
<li>Added my buttons to this page (please don't hotlink!)</li>
<li>Added <a target="_blank" href="https://www.1001freefonts.com/snailets.font">Snailets</a> to the links page
<li>Redesigned the website again! It works when you disable Javascript now!</li>
<li>Renamed /misc to /stuff</li>
<li>Added my address to the stats page</li>
<li>Added <a target="_blank" href="https://regexr.com/">RegExr</a> to the links page</li>
<li>Added an <a target="_blank" href="https://isopod.cool/feed.xml" target="_blank">RSS feed</a> for the blog!</li>
<li>Demoted the link to isopod.cool v1 from having its own section on the homepage to being relegated to /misc/</li>
<li>Added <a target="_blank" href="https://switching.software/">switching.software</a> and <a target="_blank" href="https://www.allaboutbirds.org/cams/">Cornell Lab Bird Cams</a> to the links page</li>
<li>Added <a target="_blank" href="https://status.cafe/users/niceopod">status.cafe</a> widget to the home and blog pages</li>
<li>Added a changelog</li>
<li>Added <a target="_blank" href="../stats">stats table</a> page</li>
<li>Added a cbox channel →</li>
<li>New blog post!</li>