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<title>Guide - Blacklisting Websites in SearXNG</title>
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<h2 id="caption">Blacklisting Websites in SearXNG</h2>
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<p>Quick one today. I got sick of searching for programming questions and seeing AI-generated scraped-from-stackoverflow click farm trash polluting the results, and I happen to use a personal SearXNG instance that no client-side blacklist extension on the planet is gonna support, so I went looking to see if I could blacklist them in SearXNG for like the eighth time and finally found a way using the hostname replace plugin. So here's that, because I didn't find this feature documented officially anywhere bar an <a href="https://github.com/searxng/searxng/discussions/970" target="_blank">issue</a> on the Github repo.</p>
<h2>How to do it</h2>
<p>First, open up your instance's config file. If you installed it directly like I did, that'll probably be <code>/etc/searxng/settings.yml</code>. If you used Docker, god help you. Anyway, find the <code>enabled_plugins:</code> section and uncomment the entry for <code>'Hostname replace'</code>, then uncomment the line <code>hostname_replace:</code> just below it. Under there you'll put your blocks:</p>
<span class="codetitle">/etc/searxng/settings.yml</span>
&nbsp;&nbsp;- 'Hostname replace'<br><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;'(.*\.)?codegrepper\.com': false<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;'(.*\.)?geeksforgeeks\.org': false
<p>Then restart SearXNG:</p>
$ service uwsgi restart searxng