Fork 0
will 620200137e make it work on phones tm
- Rearranged navigation significantly
  - Navbar is now unlimited width on desktop
  - Navbar is now always on top of the screen, even on the landing page
  - Navbar has been replaced with hamburger menu on mobile
- Significant styling alterations to look good on phones tm
  - Most of the credit goes to a certain meta tag.
  - (Appearance on desktop is mostly unchanged)
  - The background on mobile is now 100% image, but darkened to improve contrast
  - Table pages such as /links/ and /stats/ now rearrange on mobile:

    column a                column a  column b
    column b       vs       column a  column b
    column a                column a  column b
    column b                column a  column b

  - font size on landing page scales with device width on tall displays
  - guestbook posts use CSS grid now
- Working on a @media (prefers-contrast: more) theme as well. Can't figure out how to test it though
- Updated /stats/
  - Added some new stats
  - Updated CD collection size
- Updated /about/uses/
  - I now use Nextcloud News instead of Yarr
  - My phone runs Graphene
  - I use Fennec browser on mobile instead of standard Firefox
  - New background as the old one was horrible for contrast
- Added Waxlimbs - For Science! to /about/music/
- The oldest three articles on /blog/ now show a warning on hover that they're from the legacy v2 site
- Corrected various markup issues with the help of validator.w3.org/nu/
- Added alt text to a ton of images
- todo list is no longer a separate html file. it was fucking with the scaling on mobile and I couldn't be bothered
- /stuff/ remains unchanged. I'll get to it
- Hopefully that's everything lol
2023-02-26 04:22:38 -07:00

158 lines
6.9 KiB

<!DOCTYPE html>
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<?php include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/nav.php'); ?>
<td><a href="https://social.isopod.cool/">social.isopod.cool</a></td>
<td>My personal Akkoma instance. Run by me, for me. Feel free to register for an account if we know each other, though.</td>
<td><a href="https://search.isopod.cool/">search.isopod.cool</a></td>
<td>An instance of SearXNG, a metasearch engine that aggregates results from several other search engines.</td>
<td><a href="https://rss-bridge.isopod.cool/">rss-bridge.isopod.cool</a></td>
<td>An rss-bridge instance. Generates RSS feeds for websites that don't have them.</td>
<td><a href="rssfilter.php">rssfilter.php</a></td>
<td>A basic RSS feed filtering tool. Works on RSS and Atom feeds and can take both plain text and regex.</td>
<td><a href="firefoxrss/feed.php">firefoxrss/</a></td>
<td>An RSS bridge for Firefox release notes</td>
<tr class="indent-1">
<td><a href="firefoxrss/feed.php?downloadsource=yes">feed.php</a></td>
<td>Download the source code</td>
<td><a href="https://git.isopod.cool/">git.isopod.cool</a></td>
<td>My personal Forgejo instance. The source code for my websites is on there.</td>
<td><a href="../">../</a></td>
<td>Go back</td>
<td nowrap><a href="EnchantedToolsPack_v1.zip">EnchantedToolsPack v1.zip</a></td>
<td>A custom resource pack I made for Minecraft that uses the <a href="https://optifine.net/home">Optifine mod</a>'s custom texture functionality to add custom textures for enchanted tools and weapons. Works as of 1.19.</td>
<td>Previous iterations of my website</td>
<tr class="indent-1">
<td><a href="../old/1/">1</a></td>
<td>The final form of the first iteration. Little more than a glorified link directory.</td>
<tr class="indent-1">
<td><a href="../old/2/">2</a></td>
<td>The final form of the second iteration. Scrapped mainly because it was too dependent on Javascript.</td>
<td>Various scripts I've written to intercept .webp images on opening and replace them with a superior format, because fuck webp. Use by setting them as the default program for opening .webp files. They'll make a copy of the image converted to .png, delete the original, and open the new one in your default program. Untested with animated webp files. These are all open source, so feel free to edit and redistribute.</td>
<tr class="indent-1">
<td><a href="webpkiller/webpkiller.sh">webpkiller.sh</a></td>
<td>Bash script for Linux. Only works on .webp files. Requires <a href="https://imagemagick.org/">ImageMagick</a> to be installed.</td>
<tr class="indent-1">
<td><a href="webpkiller/webpkiller.cmd">webpkiller.cmd</a></td>
<td>Batch script for Windows. Only works on .webp files. Requires <a href="https://imagemagick.org/">ImageMagick</a> to be installed. Replaces <i>every</i> instance of ".webp" in the filepath because I couldn't figure out how to do string manipulation properly in Windows batch language, so watch out for that.</td>
<tr class="indent-1">
<td><a href="webpkiller/webpkiller.py">webpkiller.py</a></td>
<td>Platform-agnostic Python script. Requires <a href="https://www.python.org/">Python 3</a> and the <a href="https://python-pillow.org/">pillow</a> library to be installed. Works on any image format supported by pillow.</td>
<tr class="indent-1">
<td><a href="webpkiller/webpkiller_win.zip">webpkiller_win.zip</a></td>
<td>webpkiller.py, but compiled for Windows with <a href="https://pypi.org/project/pyinstaller/">pyinstaller</a>.</td>
<td><a href="neon_boost_times.html">neon_boost_times.html</a></td>
<td>A table of my level times in the game Neon Boost, in case you care.</td>
<td><a href="https://userstyles.world/style/5238/status-cafe-latte">userstyles.world/style/5238<br/>/status-cafe-latte</a></td>
<td>Stylus theme I made for <a href="https://status.cafe/">status.cafe</a>, the site behind the little status widget on my blog.</td>
<td><a href="dirtomp3.sh">dirtomp3.sh</a></td>
<td>Linux Bash script I wrote to recursively convert my entire music library to mp3s to reduce the amount of space it takes up on my phone. Copies the entire directory structure, keeping images, converting audio if needed, and discarding everything else. Requires ffmpeg.</td>
<?php include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/chromealert.php'); ?>