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will 6a97a82927 New journal post
Updated title on blog post #4 to match the rest
Updated the youtube buffering article, and used it as a guinea pig for a markdown experiment
updated /etc/quotes/
new random captions on /
added some new links, including a new Articles section
adjusted the background on /stats/
changed standard body width from 43rem to 80ch
2024-04-21 08:18:51 -06:00

168 lines
7.7 KiB

<!DOCTYPE html>
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content: "Articles - "
article img, article video, article iframe {
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article:first-of-type h2::before {
content: 'Journal - ';
<?php include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/seasonal.php'); ?>
<?php include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/nav.php'); ?>
<h2 id="caption">inane ramblings</h2>
<a href="blog.atom">Article feed</a>
<a href="https://journal.miso.town/atom?url=https://isopod.cool/blog/">Journal feed</a>
$username = "niceopod"; // Your username here!
$ch = curl_init("https://status.cafe/users/$username/status.json");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
$str = curl_exec($ch);
if(curl_error($ch)) {
//echo curl_error($ch);
$str = "";
$status_data = json_decode($str, true);
$content = $status_data["content"];
$face = $status_data["face"];
$timeago = $status_data["timeAgo"];
if(strlen($content) < 1) {
$content = "Something's gone wrong server side...";
echo "<div id='statuscafe'><div id='statuscafe-username'><a href='https://status.cafe/users/$username' target='_blank'>status</a> $face $timeago</div><div id='statuscafe-content'>$content</div></div>";
$stag = $_GET["tag"];
$nostag = empty($stag);
if(!$nostag) {
echo "<a style='display: block; margin-top: 1rem; margin-bottom: 1rem;' href='.'>All articles</a>";
$content = simplexml_load_file("blog.atom");
echo "<ul id='articles'>";
$year = "-69420";
$yc = 0;
foreach($content->entry as $entry) {
$pfilt = false;
if(!$nostag) {
foreach($entry->category as $cat) {
$term = $cat["term"];
if($stag == $term) {
$pfilt = true;
if($pfilt or $nostag) {
$nyr = substr($entry->published, 0, 4);
if($nyr != $year) {
$year = $nyr;
echo "<li><h2 id='$year'>$year</h2></li>";
$dt = substr($entry->published, 0, 10);
$ti = $entry->title;
$wn = "";
if(preg_match('/2022-0(5|4)-(21|25|13)/', $dt)) {
$wn = "title=\"This post is on the archived v2 version of the site. It will not load if you don't have Javascript enabled, and expect jank if viewing on mobile. You have been warned.\" ";
$cats = "";
foreach($entry->category as $cat) {
$term = $cat["term"];
$cats = $cats."<a class='entrytag' href='?tag=".$term."'>".$term."</a>";
echo "<li class='blogentry'><time class='entrydate'>".$dt."</time><h4 class='entrytitle'><a ".$wn."href='".$entry->link["href"]."'>".$ti."</h4></a><span class='entrysummary'>".$entry->summary."</span><span>".$cats."</span></li>";
echo "</ul>";
<article id="2024-04-02">
<p>Migrated my Firefish server to Sharkey today. I had to spend a while stumbling blindly through the totally foreign territory of docker and postgres, but it worked out surprisingly well in the end, except that I managed to delete all the media with a careless <code>rm -rf</code>. Whoops.</p>
<p>I also recently bought my first Lego set in the better part of a decade, at the recommendation of <a href="https://kalechips.net/posts/2024-03-25-Bug-Legos">this</a> blog post by Kalechips. I don't have much to say about them beyond what's covered there, but I absolutely love them. Definitely one of the better ways I could have spent a hundred Canadian FunBucks&trade;.</p>
<img src="media/2024-04-02_legobugs.jpg" alt="Roughly to-scale sized Lego models of a blue morpho butterfly, a hercules beetle, and a chinese mantis." />
<article id="2024-02-29">
<p>I have this old pair of Skullcandy Crusher headphones that stopped working a few years ago due to some issue with the 3.5mm jack, and it recently occured to me that I finally have the tools to fix it! When I opened it up I noticed the port had lifted almost entirely off the motherboard and after soldering the pins back in place (and a generous application of hot glue, just in case) it works like new again! Credit to Skullcandy, all eight of the screws I had to remove were completely identical.</p>
<article id="2024-02-22">
<p>Did a shell swap on my Switch and joycons yesterday. Check it out!</p>
<img src="media/2024-02-22/switchfront.jpg" alt="Front view of a Nintendo Switch with clear plastic shells on the joycons" />
<img src="media/2024-02-22/switchback.jpg" alt="Back view of a Nintendo Switch with clear plastic shells on the joycons and console" />
<p>I think it looks pretty cool. I got the shells from a company called <a href="https://extremerate.com/">eXtremeRate</a> which apparently makes full kits for this kind of mod. I thought I was just getting the plastic parts but they came with tons of extra screws and a screwdriver with the relevant bits, and they publish guides! Given I found this through a random Amazon listing, I am pleasantly surprised. Highly recommend their stuff.</p>
<article id="2024-02-14">
<p>When I post a guide on my blog and the tutorial part starts with a header reading "How to do it" that's a reference to this btw</p>
<img src="media/2024-02-14_roundmeal.jpg" alt="Roundmeal." />
<article id="2024-01-29">
<p>I just had a really nasty idea for a 3D printer design. I could describe it in detail, but instead I drew up this helpful diagram:</p>
<img src="media/2024-01-29/diagram.png" alt="A crude diagram outlining a concept for an FDM 3D printer that rotates around a central axis for a toroidal print volume." />
<p>The benefits of this approach are clear. If I receive $1000 in <a href="https://ko-fi.com/deeptwisty">donations</a> I will attempt to build it.</p>
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