#!/bin/bash # This is a simple script I wrote to convert my entire music library to mp3s for putting on my phone. # You need to have ffmpeg installed with support for all relevant formats for this to work. # HOW TO USE: # Place this script in the directory that your library's root directory is in, i.e. if your music # library is in ~/Music/Library, this script should be located at ~/Music/dirtomp3.sh # Set the variable "root" to the name of your library's root directory # Set "newroot" to the desired root directory of the output. This will be created if it doesn't exist. # The script should take care of the rest. root="Library" newroot="Library_mp3" mvcount=0 tdcount=$(($(find "$root" -type f -not -path '*/.*' | wc -l))) printf "\x1b[s" echo ".00% done ($mvcount/$tdcount files processed)" recurse() { path="$1" for f in "$path/"*; do nf=$(echo "$f" | sed "s/^$root/$newroot/;s/\.flac\|\.wav\|\.ogg$/.mp3/") if [[ "$f" != $root* ]]; then echo "Script attempted to access item $f outside designated operating area, aborting" exit fi if [[ "$nf" != $newroot* ]]; then echo "Script attempted to access item $nf outside designated operating area, aborting" exit fi if [[ -d "$f" ]]; then mkdir -p "$nf" recurse "$f" elif [[ -f $f ]]; then printf "\x1b[2K%s" "$(echo "$f" | head -c $(tput cols))" if [[ "$f" == *.flac ]] || [[ "$f" == *.wav ]] || [[ "$f" == *.ogg ]]; then if [[ ! -f $nf ]] || [[ $f -nt $nf ]]; then ffmpeg -i "$f" "$nf" -loglevel 0 if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then exit fi fi elif [[ "$f" == *.mp3 ]]; then cp -u "$f" "$nf" elif [[ "$f" == *.png ]] || [[ "$f" == *.jpg ]] || [[ "$f" == *.jxl ]] || [[ "$f" == *.gif ]]; then cp -u "$f" "$nf" fi mvcount=$((mvcount+1)) printf "\x1b[u%s%% done (%d/%g files processed)\n" "$(echo "scale=2; $(echo "$mvcount/$tdcount*100" | bc -l)/1" | bc)" "$mvcount" "$tdcount" fi done } mkdir -p $newroot recurse "$root" printf "\x1b[2K"