function header(index) { var rh = document.getElementById('randomheader'); var Title = document.getElementById('header').innerHTML; if(rh != undefined) { const titles = [ 'bruh moment', 'Try reloading!', 'Supports VPNs', 'I use arch btw', 'niceopod v2', 'RGB Gaming Webpage', 'Stream deep twisty', 'MySite.html', 'Over Construction', 'Real isopod hours', 'Version 2.0: the Verbose Update', 'depytwisty', '[object Object]', 'Uses cookies', '* You found the [Moss]!', 'Minceraft', 'Best viewed with Firefox', 'Isopod gaming', 'Website of some guy', 'your mom', 'Badly programmed', 'Upside Down!', 'Fuck crypto', 'Oh, you know ;)', 'gamer (terminal)' ]; if(index < 0 || index >= titles.length) { index = Math.floor(Math.random() * titles.length); } var choice = titles[index]; Title = choice; document.getElementById('randomheader').innerHTML = choice; } if(Title === "Stats") { Title = `Stats: ${document.getElementsByTagName('tr').length}`; document.getElementById('header').innerHTML = Title; } document.title = Title; document.getElementById('header').style.animationName = 'happear'; } function loadCafeStatus() { statuscontainer = document.getElementById("status"); if(statuscontainer !== null) { statuscontainer.innerHTML = '
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