
Height 191cm
Storage space 4.9TiB
Packages 1451
Desktop environment KDE Plasma
CDs owned 6
Consoles modded 1
Computers upgraded 2
Computers downgraded 1I upgraded my old laptop with a second hard drive, then transplanted the drive into my new PC later when I was building it. All my stuff was on the secondary drive, I figured why bother transferring it?
Websites 2
Talent [Integer overflow error]
Bitches 0
Hotel Trivago
Species Bathynomus Giganteus
Pronouns he/him
3.5mm headphone jack yes
Font family monospace
Drop rates 1-3 bags of Doritos - 80%
Wired earbuds - 10%
Random Linux install media - 1%
Efficiency rating 80+ Gold
Home address 12h 28m 24.97s, +31° 28′ 37.7″
Time playing Space Engineers 587 hours
arch btw