
Hello there!

My name's Willhe/him pronouns, but I typically go by niceopod on the internet, or deep twisty if you're looking at my music. I make stuff sometimes, like music, or art, or this website. I have been called many things, such as "canadian", "autistic", and "tremendously, stupendously, superhumanly talented".

This is my website, where I put links to my accounts on other websites. It started as a way to circumvent the limitations of a free carrd account, but now we're here and I don't think I could go back. It's pretty barren at the moment, but I'd like to put some actual stuff here. Maybe I'll start a blog. That part is outdated. Replacement text pending.

You can navigate around using the bar on the left, or the top if you're on mobile. There's a chatbox over → there, say hi! If you're using a mouse, you can also hover over some stuff for more information. I've also got some 88x31 buttons you can useI'd advise you post the image to your site, if you hotlink it will probably break when I inevitably redesign the site again. if for some reason you want to link back here:
Made with this.

What's a "deep twisty"?

I felt like I needed a pseudonym for my music, so I made one and now I'm stuck with it. If you must know where it comes from, I was really into Subnautica a couple of years back while its sequel Below Zero was in early access, and I was following this official Twitter account that tweets every git commit that gets made to it. They kept referring to a new biome they were working on, the Deep Twisty Bridges, as just "deep twisty". I thought that sounded really funny.

You may notice this is me.deeptwisty.com. deeptwisty.com proper is the site for things I release ~officially~ under that name. Why the distinction? Mostly so that if I ever grow the balls to show my art to my family, they don't manage to find their way to my twitter account.

Software I use

Browser FirefoxPlease for the love of god use Firefox. It's currently the only major browser that isn't based on Chrome, and we can't let Google gain monopolistic control over web standards. Plus, Firefox isn't trying to track you the way Chrome is.
VPN Mozilla VPNChosen mostly because it seemed good and I wanted to support Mozilla. If I had to pick again, I'd probably choose Mullvad.
DAW LMMSI won't say LMMS is bad, but it is only any good at one thing: composing MIDI audio. VST support is good, but only for instruments, it barely supports samples and audio tracks, and it can't record audio, among other gripes., but I'm trying to switch to REAPERREAPER is great. It solves every problem I had with LMMS. The main thing making it difficult to pick up is the fact that it doesn't play nice with a lot of VSTs, and it doesn't have LMMS's built-in WINE for running my Windows VSTs either.
3D software BlenderBlender is incredible. It can do everything: it's got modeling, animation, sculpting, video editing, a built-in Python scripting interface, and a billion and one other things. I probably could've built this website in Blender if I wanted to.
Photo editor GIMPI'd prefer Paint.NET, but it's not available for Linux and I can't get it running in WINE.
IDE VSCodiumAn open-source "clean" build of Visual Studio Code without all of Microsoft's telemetry.
OS Manjaro LinuxI use arch btw







