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2023-01-09 21:30:45 +00:00
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
2023-01-09 21:30:45 +00:00
<link href="../style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all">
<?php include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/seasonal.php'); ?>
<?php include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/nav.php'); ?>
<h1>about me</h1>
<h2 id="caption">hi</h2>
make it work on phones tm - Rearranged navigation significantly - Navbar is now unlimited width on desktop - Navbar is now always on top of the screen, even on the landing page - Navbar has been replaced with hamburger menu on mobile - Significant styling alterations to look good on phones tm - Most of the credit goes to a certain meta tag. - (Appearance on desktop is mostly unchanged) - The background on mobile is now 100% image, but darkened to improve contrast - Table pages such as /links/ and /stats/ now rearrange on mobile: column a column a column b column b vs column a column b column a column a column b column b column a column b - font size on landing page scales with device width on tall displays - guestbook posts use CSS grid now - Working on a @media (prefers-contrast: more) theme as well. Can't figure out how to test it though - Updated /stats/ - Added some new stats - Updated CD collection size - Updated /about/uses/ - I now use Nextcloud News instead of Yarr - My phone runs Graphene - I use Fennec browser on mobile instead of standard Firefox - New background as the old one was horrible for contrast - Added Waxlimbs - For Science! to /about/music/ - The oldest three articles on /blog/ now show a warning on hover that they're from the legacy v2 site - Corrected various markup issues with the help of validator.w3.org/nu/ - Added alt text to a ton of images - todo list is no longer a separate html file. it was fucking with the scaling on mobile and I couldn't be bothered - /stuff/ remains unchanged. I'll get to it - Hopefully that's everything lol
2023-02-26 11:22:38 +00:00
<p><span title="General Kenobi!">Hello there!</span> They call me Will (any pronouns), but I tend to go by deep twisty (more on that later) or some variation of "isopod" or "bathynomus" on the internet. I like to make stuff on the computer, like <a href="https://deeptwisty.bandcamp.com/">music</a>, or <a href="https://deeptwisty.com/art">art</a>, or this website. I've heard rumors calling me such things as "canadian", "autistic", and "incalculably talented". I cannot confirm or deny any of these allegations.</p>
2023-01-09 21:30:45 +00:00
<h2>What's a "deep twisty"?</h2>
<p>"deep twisty" is a pseudonym I came up with to release music under, because everyone is doing it. It comes from some tweets from an <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20221214182955/https://twitter.com/SubnauticaSCM/status/1095774020446744576">official Subnautica twitter account</a> where they referred to the then-work-in-progress Deep Twisty Bridges biome as just "deep twisty". I thought it sounded funny. Funny enough to brand myself on, apparently.</p>
make it work on phones tm - Rearranged navigation significantly - Navbar is now unlimited width on desktop - Navbar is now always on top of the screen, even on the landing page - Navbar has been replaced with hamburger menu on mobile - Significant styling alterations to look good on phones tm - Most of the credit goes to a certain meta tag. - (Appearance on desktop is mostly unchanged) - The background on mobile is now 100% image, but darkened to improve contrast - Table pages such as /links/ and /stats/ now rearrange on mobile: column a column a column b column b vs column a column b column a column a column b column b column a column b - font size on landing page scales with device width on tall displays - guestbook posts use CSS grid now - Working on a @media (prefers-contrast: more) theme as well. Can't figure out how to test it though - Updated /stats/ - Added some new stats - Updated CD collection size - Updated /about/uses/ - I now use Nextcloud News instead of Yarr - My phone runs Graphene - I use Fennec browser on mobile instead of standard Firefox - New background as the old one was horrible for contrast - Added Waxlimbs - For Science! to /about/music/ - The oldest three articles on /blog/ now show a warning on hover that they're from the legacy v2 site - Corrected various markup issues with the help of validator.w3.org/nu/ - Added alt text to a ton of images - todo list is no longer a separate html file. it was fucking with the scaling on mobile and I couldn't be bothered - /stuff/ remains unchanged. I'll get to it - Hopefully that's everything lol
2023-02-26 11:22:38 +00:00
<!--p>As for "niceopod", "nice" was the best word I could think of that rhymes with the first syllable of "isopod". I feel like it sounds like I'm trying to say I'm nice. <span title="I'm slowly deprecating this username for this reason. You'll typically find it replaced with &quot;isopod&quot; or &quot;bathynomus&quot; or some other isopod-related thing, depending on availability.">I'm not</span>, it's just that the alternatives were "iceopod" and "sliceopod". Isopods are nice though.</p-->
2023-01-09 21:30:45 +00:00
<p>I go by Will because that's my name and I can't be fucked changing it.</p>
<h2>About the site</h2>
<p>This website is written in pure HTML, CSS, and a tiny bit of Javascript with the server-side stuff done in PHP. It (and everything else I host) is hosted using Nginx on a VPS with 4GB of RAM and 2 CPU cores running Ubuntu Server, with domains registered with <a href="https://porkbun.com/">Porkbun</a>.
2023-01-09 21:30:45 +00:00
<p>You can read about the history of this thing <a href="../blog/posts/deeptwistycom_2nd_anniversary_-_a_history_of_this_bullshit/">here</a>.</p>
<p>I was helped immensely in building this thing by <a href="https://www.w3schools.com/">W3Schools</a>, the <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web">MDN Web Docs</a>, the official <a href="https://www.php.net/manual/en/">PHP manual</a>, <a href="https://landchad.net/">LandChad.net</a>, Stack Overflow, and whatever disgusting bottom-feeding SEO leech sites came up first in the search results.</p>
<blockquote>"Most of it goes over my head, but it's still fun to read and look at, and I am not immune to isopods."<span class="attr">-<a href="https://kalechips.net/">Kalechips</a></span></blockquote>
<blockquote>"Furry behavior"<span class="attr">-<a href="https://seaslug.neocities.org/">Seaslug</a></span></blockquote>
<blockquote>"fuxk"<span class="attr">-f</span></blockquote>
2023-01-09 21:30:45 +00:00
<div id="rightsidebg" style="background-image: url(bg.png); --distancefromcenter: -10%;" title="Pictured: Me on my daily walk"></div>
<?php include($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/chromealert.php'); ?>