'; } elseif($siteurl == "isopod.cool") { echo 'niceopod official NFTs'; } ?>
0 or strpos($name, ".gif") > 0); } function imagetime($file) { // This needs to return a Unix timestamp. global $imagetimes; if(!$imagetimes[$file]) { $imagetimes[$file] = filemtime($file); } return $imagetimes[$file]; } $images = array_filter(scandir("."), "test_image"); // Generate array of every image in the directory by filename usort($images, function($a, $b) { // Sort images by modification date of the files return imagetime("$b") - imagetime("$a"); }); $datecounts = array(); foreach($images as $im) { // Generate list of dates and how many images have them $mt = date("Y-m-d", imagetime("$im")); // File modification date in ISO format if($datecounts[$mt]) { $datecounts[$mt]++; } else { $datecounts[$mt] = 1; } } $pmt = $mt; foreach($images as $im) { // Loops through each image and echoes it to the page $no = substr($im, 0, strpos($im, ".")); // Filename with extension stripped $mt = date("Y-m-d", imagetime("$im")); // File modification date in ISO format $is = getimagesize("$im"); $ist = $is[0] . "×" . $is[1] . "px"; // Image size formatted as X×Ypx $cl = ""; if($datecounts[$mt] > 1) { // If there's more than one image published on the same date, merge them into a single thumbnail that can be clicked to reveal the full set. Would have done this based on names, but that would have been much harder. Might do that later. if($pmt != $mt) { echo ""; $tn = $no; if(file_exists("thumbs/$mt.jpg")) { // Use the same image for the group thumbnail as the first image in the group. If there's a thumbnail named with the date in question, use that instead. $tn = $mt; } echo ""; $pmt = $mt; } $cl = " class='d$mt'"; } echo "$im
$mt • $ist
"; } ?>